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Free Fundraising Tools
Click the titles below to download free, helpful
fundraising tips:
Fundraising 101
Fundamentals to guide your fundraising process whether you’re just starting out or running multiple campaigns.
20 Ideas for Board Members
How you can help your organization “friend raise” and raise funds.
20 Ideas for Cultivation and Stewardship
It’s all about building new relationships while taking good care of the ones you already have.
Roles in Fundraising
Do I have a role in fundraising? If so, what is it? Whether you’re a board member, staff person, or volunteer you may be surprised by what you can, and need to do in order to reach full fundraising potential.
3 Levels of Board Fundraising
Identify your own personal level of fundraising involvement.
Industry Standards for Fundraising
A handy guide to help you identify your best method for fundraising, including average returns on direct mail, phone calls, fact to face visits, etc.

From Clarinda's Blog
National Fundraising Websites
These are websites Clarinda enjoys reading, but who are not local to the Portland metro area. For local resources, please see the Referrals page.
Gail Perry's Fired Up Fundraising,
Penelope Burk, Donor Centered Fundraising,
Terry Axelrod, Benevon,
Andrea Kihlstedt, Capital Campaign Magic,
Kim Klein, Klein & Roth Consulting,
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