#GivingTuesday - 11/27/2018
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. It was launched in 2012 as a global movement to celebrate and invigorate philanthropy across all sectors of the non-profit community.
There are many resources available to use to prepare your campaign including a plan I have created:
Think big! Start small!
Toolkit: www.givingtuesday.org
Sign up and join
Download toolkit
Browse ideas and case studies
Reference additional resources
Connect with organizations
Sign up for the Civic Campaigns or Higher Ed Newsletters
Questions to Prepare
Does your organization have the capacity to do a GT campaign?
Who will be on your team?
Do you have a communications, marketing or social media expert to help you?
Do you have time to prior to GT to write multiple messages, manage a timeline, take photos, shoot videos of people sharing impact stories
On the day of GT do you have time to post all your message, shoot live videos, post new photos or do a blog?
Will the Board participate by sharing posts to their social media sites?
Do you have a partner or sponsor to help with the campaign who can also get their employees involved?
Do you have a challenge gift to inspire other gifts?
Are you also participating in another year end campaign (i.e. Willamette Week GiveGuide)?
Example of a Timeline